I asked myself: What are the main attributes that I want to bring to each of my facilitation events and what are the main results that I hope to help participants in an event achieve? My answer was:
Fun = joy and laughter
Fervor = passion and enthusiasm
Focus = intent, purpose, direction, and results
I believe that the most important F is “focus”. I filter each facilitation event and each activity and technique used within the event through these filter questions, “Why are we doing this? What do we hope to achieve? How does this help us achieve our desired results?” I invite the participants of the event to consider these questions with me. The focus of the event must be correctly identified and used for planning the event to achieve the best results. We can have much fun and be very excited; however, without focus, we may not accomplish what we seek.
When I think about “fervor”, I try to feel my emotions about the facilitation event. How enthusiastic am I? How passionate am I? What is my fervor towards the subject, participants, purpose? If I do not feel enthused and eager about facilitating the event, I then consider if I am the right person to provide the facilitation. I also invite participants to identify and share their fervor about the content and process of the event in order to ascertain if they wish to embark it.
Fun!! Joy, laughter, playfulness, humour! I observe over and over again, how people come alive, are more attentive, participate with more enthusiasm, and I think, learn more when they are smiling and laughing; at least part of the time. As a facilitator, I think about and encourage the participants to plan to have fun and be playful during the facilitated event. I blogged about Facilitate with Fun! on October 10, 2009 and invite you to read my thoughts and ideas.
Another way to think about the 3Fs is to use the words: purpose (focus), passion (fervor), and play (fun).
My blog conversation questions are: What do you think about my 3Fs? What are the focal points that you use when you plan and conduct a facilitation event? Write a comment and join my conversation about facilitation!