Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Facilitate with … Your Whole Body

As part of an Art of Hosting Conversations gathering (http://www.artofhosting.org/), I facilitated an activity to allow each participant to share backgrounds, skills, experiences, interests, and passions.  As a former 4-H member and leader (http://www.4h.ab.ca/), I built upon the four H’s in the 4-H Pledge (head, heart, health, and hands) and created an activity for sharing.  Each person drew an outline of her body on a flipchart page.  For the following body parts, they drew pictures and wrote words to depict:

 Head – intellect and knowledge (What is your training, education?)

Heart – emotion, passion (What you love doing the best? What lights your fire? What you like doing?)

Core body – foundation (What do you believe you are best at?)

Hands – experience (What have you done/do?  What are your core areas of work and service? What are examples of your work?)

Legs and feet – movement and action (What do you want to do? What do you want to walk into? 

 Here is the Activity Template and a few examples.  Have fun using your whole body to share information and learn about others!


Activity Template
Participant's Example 1
Participant's Example 2